On 18 February 2025, the Hobart Magistrates Court convicted a New Norfolk resident of 1 count of cruelty to animals for failing to provide veterinary or other appropriate treatment to his American Staffordshire Terrier dog, Tika. Tika had suffered a fracture of her left hind leg, and the Court heard that the owner’s reason why he failed to provide care for Tika was because of his financial situation. The Court did not accept this as a satisfactory explanation as numerous options were provided to the owner including surrender.

On 18 August 2023 RSPCA received a cruelty complaint regarding the owner’s dog, which was in poor physical condition. The owner subsequently told an RSPCA officer that his dog had a sore leg and was seen at a local veterinary clinic but that the dog was fine now. The dog was seen by a vet for limping of the left hind leg in November 2022 and the owner was asked to return if there was no improvement. The owner presented the dog to the vet again in April 2023 and June 2023 for the same issue. On 30 June 2023, the owner was advised by the vet that Tika had a fractured shin and was further advised in writing on 7 July 2023 that intervention by way of surgery was required. Options were provided to the owner including euthanasia, surrender and subsequent rehoming following surgery, amputation, and surgery. In August 2023, RSPCA issued an instruction notice to the owner to seek veterinary attention for Tika. The owner failed to comply with that notice. RSPCA seized Tika and her left hind leg subsequently required amputation. Upon examination by the vet, it was noted Tika would have experienced months of chronic pain which was prolonged by the owner’s failure to provide medical treatment.

The Court was satisfied that the offence was of a sufficiently serious nature due to the duration of time which the owner did not seek medical treatment for Tika who was suffering from a significant injury. The Court ordered the owner to a term of 1 month imprisonment, which was wholly suspended for a period of 18 months on condition that he commit no offence punishable by imprisonment within that time. The Court also ordered that Tika not be returned to Mr Tangata and that he be disqualified from having custody of any canine for a period of 5 years.