Cat Desexing Program
RSPCA Tasmania regularly receives enquiries from cat owners who are experiencing difficulties budgeting to have their cats desexed.
Cost of living increases are affecting low-income earners and their ability to pay for their cats desex surgeries.
Amendments to the Cat Management Act came into effect on 1 March 2022. Cat owners are now required to have their cats desexed (some exceptions do apply) by the age of four months and any cat sold (some exceptions do apply) needs to be desexed (even if they are under 4 months of age).
We know many Tasmanian households are experiencing financial hardship, which means that the cost of desexing their cats is often beyond their reach. This can cause great stress to owners.

There is an obvious need to offer financial assistance to those people who with concession cards to enable them to meet the cost of desexing their cats. By going through the RSPCA, you have the option of using a credit card to pay up front at a discounted rate or Centrepay to stretch out the payments for the desex vet bills. A upfront payment of $50 is required and minimum repayment of $25 per fortnight. We offer a simple online system to complete the application.
This program is only available to concession cards holders. We can support one application per person at any one time.
What you need to do
- Choose a vet from list of participating clinics.
- Make an appointment.
- Let the clinic know you’ll be using the RSPCA desex program.
- Fill in the RSPCA Desexing form.
- Attach copies of IDs (concession card and photo ID) to the online form.
- Pay $50 down payment online.
What we will do
Confirm your successful application.
Ensure upfront payments or $50 deposit if using Centrepay are processed.
Email your vet clinic to confirm your eligibility.
Pay your vet bill for you.