Giving up a family pet is never an easy decision. However, in some circumstances, it is ultimately the best choice for you and your animal.
For no-judgement surrender advice, give our team a call on 03 6709 8100.
Why are you considering surrendering your pet?
There are many reasons why people chose to surrender to us. Each circumstance is unique and there are many factors that you need to consider before making the decision to surrender.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Have you had a discussion with all other people who will be impacted by this decision?
- Is there a family member or friend who could provide a suitable home for your animal?
Sometimes having a pet doesn’t work out the way you planned. For example, some animals have severe behaviour issues that you may not be able to manage with your current lifestyle.
We encourage you to consider how keeping your pet may impact your, and your pet’s, quality of life now and into the future.
Remember having a pet is a lifelong commitment; sometimes surrendering an animal to a shelter is the best welfare outcome for both you and them.